NASB — Daniel 10 — KJV

Daniel Is Terrified by a Vision

1 In the third° year° of aCyrus° king° of Persia° a Imessage° was revealed° to bDaniel°, who° was named°° Belteshazzar°; and the Icmessage° was true° and [one of] great° IIconflict°, but he understood° the Imessage° and had an dunderstanding° of the vision°.

[1] ILit word IIOr warfare aDn 1:21; 6:28 bDn 1:7 cDn 8:26 dDn 1:17; 2:21

2 ¶ In those° days°, I, Daniel°, had been° amourning° for three° entire° weeks°. 3 I adid not eat° any Itasty° food°, nor° did meat° or wine° enter° my mouth°, nor° did I use° any ointment° at all until° the entire° three° weeks° were completed°. 4 On the twenty-fourth°° day° of the first° month°, while I was by the bank° of the great° ariver°, that is, the ITigris°, 5 I lifted° my eyes° and looked°, and behold°, there was a certain° man° adressed° in linen°, whose waist° was bgirded° with [a belt of] pure° cgold° of Uphaz°. 6 His body° also [was] like Iberyl°, his face° IIhad the appearance° of lightning°, ahis eyes° were like flaming° torches°, his arms° and feet° like the gleam° of polished° bronze°, and the sound° of his words° like the sound° of a IIItumult°. 7 Now I, Daniel°, aalone° saw° the vision°, while the bmen° who° were with me did not see° the vision°; nevertheless°, a great° cdread° fell° on them, and they ran° away° to hide° themselves. 8 So I was aleft° alone° and saw° this° great° vision°; yet bno° strength° was left° in me, for my Inatural° color° turned° to IIa deathly° pallor°, and I retained° no° strength°. 9 But I heard° the sound° of his words°; and as soon as I heard° the sound° of his words°, I afell° into a deep° sleep° on my face°, with my face° to the ground°.

[2] aEzr 9:4, 5; Ne 1:4
[3] ILit bread of desirability aDn 6:18
[4] IHeb Hiddekel aEzk 1:3; Dn 8:2
[5] aEzk 9:2; Dn 12:6, 7 bRv 1:13; 15:6 cJr 10:9
[6] IOr yellow serpentine IILit like IIIOr roaring aRv 1:14; 2:18; 19:12
[7] a2K 6:17-20 bAc 9:7 cEzk 12:18
[8] ILit splendor IILit corruption aGn 32:24 bDn 7:28; 8:27; Hab 3:16
[9] aGn 15:12; Jb 4:13; Dn 8:18

Daniel Comforted

10 ¶ Then behold°, a hand° atouched° me and set° me trembling° on my Ihands°° and knees°. 11 He said° to me, “O aDaniel°, man° of Ihigh° esteem°, bunderstand° the words° that I am about to tell° you and cstand° IIupright°°, for I have now° been sent° to you.” And when he had spoken° this° word° to me, I stood° up dtrembling°. 12 Then he said° to me, “aDo not be afraid°, Daniel°, for from the first° day° that you set° your heart° on understanding° [this] and on bhumbling° yourself before° your God°, your words° were heard°, and I have come° in response cto your words°. 13 But the prince° of the kingdom° of Persia° was Iwithstanding° me for twenty-one°° days°; then behold°, aMichael°, one° of the chief° princes°, came° to help° me, for I had been left° there° with the kings° of Persia°. 14 Now I have come° to agive° you an understanding° of what° will happen° to your people° in the Iblatter° days°, for the vision° pertains to cthe days° yet° [future].”

[10] ILit knees and the palms of my hands aJr 1:9; Dn 8:18
[11] ILit desirability; or preciousness IILit upon your standing aDn 10:19 bDn 8:16, 17 cEzk 2:1 dJb 4:14, 15
[12] aIs 41:10, 14; Dn 10:19 bDn 9:20-23; 10:2, 3 cAc 10:30, 31
[13] ILit standing opposite aDn 10:21; 12:1; Jde 9; Rv 12:7
[14] ILit end of the days aDn 8:16; 9:22 bDt 31:29; Dn 2:28 cDn 8:26; 12:4, 9

15 ¶ When he had spoken° to me according to these° words°, I Iturned° my face° toward the ground° and became° aspeechless°. 16 And behold°, Iaone who° resembled° a human° being°° was btouching° my lips°; then I opened° my mouth° and spoke° and said° to him who was standing° before° me, “O my lord°, as a result of the vision° IIcanguish° has come° upon me, and I have retained° no° strength°. 17 For ahow° can° such° a servant° of my lord° talk° with such° as my lord°? As for me, there remains° just now° bno° strength° in me, nor° has any breath° been left° in me.”

[15] ILit set aEzk 3:26; 24:27; Lk 1:20
[16] ILit as a likeness of sons of man IILit my pains have aDn 8:15 bIs 6:7; Jr 1:9 cDn 7:15, 28; 8:17, 27; 10:8, 9
[17] aEx 24:10, 11; Is 6:1-5 bDn 10:8

18 ¶ Then [this] one with human° appearance° touched° me again° and astrengthened° me. 19 He said°, “O man° of Ihigh° esteem°, ado not be afraid°. Peace° IIbe with you; take° bcourage° and be courageous°!” Now as soon as he spoke° to me, I received° strength° and said°, “May my lord° speak°, for you have cstrengthened° me.” 20 Then he said°, “Do you Iunderstand° why° I came° to you? But I shall now° return° to fight° against° the IIprince° of Persia°; so I am going° forth°, and behold°, the IIaprince° of IIIGreece° is about to come°. 21 However°, I will tell° you what is inscribed° in the writing° of atruth°. Yet there° is no° one° who Istands° firmly° with me against° these° [forces] except°° bMichael° your prince°.

[18] aIs 35:3, 4
[19] ILit desirability; or preciousness IILit to you aJg 6:23; Is 43:1; Dn 10:12 bJsh 1:6, 7, 9; Is 35:4 cPs 138:3; 2Co 12:9
[20] ILit know III.e. Satanic angel IIIHeb Javan aDn 8:21; 11:2
[21] ILit shows himself strong aDn 12:4 bDn 10:13; Rv 12:7

New American Standard Bible
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Daniel having humbled himself seeth a vision.

1 ¶ In the thirdº yearº of Cyrusº kingº of Persiaº a thingº was revealedºª unto Daniel,º whose² nameº was calledºª Belteshazzar;º and the thingº [was] true,º but the time appointedº [was] long:º and he understoodºª² the thing,º and had understandingº of the vision.º 2 In those² daysº I² Danielº was² mourningºª threeº fullº weeks.º 3 I ateºª no² pleasant¹² bread,º neither² cameºª fleshº nor wineº in² my mouth,º neither² did I anoint¹ª myself at all,ºª till² threeº wholeº weeksº were fulfilled.ºª 4 And in the fourº and twentiethº dayº of the firstº month,º as I² was² by² the sideº of the greatº river,º which² [is] Hiddekel;º 5 Then I lifted upºª² mine eyes,º and looked,ºª and behold² a certainº manº clothedºª in linen,º whose loinsº [were] girdedºª with fine goldº of Uphaz:º 6 His bodyº also [was] like the beryl,º and his faceº as the appearanceº of lightning,º and his eyesº as lampsº of fire,º and his armsº and his feetº like in colourº to polishedº brass,º and the voiceº of his wordsº like the voiceº of a multitude.º 7 And I² Danielº alone² sawºª² the vision:º for the men¹² that² were² with² me sawºª not²² the vision;º butº a greatº quakingº fellºª upon² them, so that they fledºª to hide¹ª themselves.² 8 Therefore I² was left² alone,¹ª² and sawºª² this² greatº vision,º and there remainedºª no² strengthº in me: for my comelinessº was turnedºª in² me into corruption,º and I retainedºª no² strength.º 9 Yet heardºª I² the voiceº of his words:º and when I heardºª² the voiceº of his words,º then was² I² in a deep sleepºª on² my face,º and my faceº toward the ground.º

[1] Gn 41:32; 2Ch 36:22; Ezr 1:1, 7; 3:7; 4:3, 5; 5:13; 6:3, 14; Is 44:28; 45:1; Dn 1:7, 17, 21; 2:21; 4:8; 5:12, 17; 6:28; 8:16, 26; 9:22; 10:14; 11:2; 12:4, 9; Lk 1:20; Rv 19:9.
[2] Ezr 9:4; Ne 1:4; Ps 42:9; 43:2; 137:1; Is 66:10; Jr 9:1; Dn 9:24; Mt 9:15; Ro 9:2; Jm 4:9; Rv 11:5.
[3] 2S 19:24; Jb 33:20; Is 24:6; Dn 6:18; 11:8; Am 5:11; Na 2:9; Mt 6:17; 1Co 9:27.
[4] Gn 2:14; Ezk 1:3; Dn 8:2.
[5] Jsh 5:13; Is 11:5; Jr 10:9; Ezk 9:2; Dn 12:6; Zc 1:8; Ep 6:14; Rv 1:13; 15:6.
[6] Ex 28:20; Ezk 1:7, 14, 16, 24; 10:9; Mt 17:2; Lk 9:29; Rv 1:13, 15; 10:1, 3; 19:12; 21:20.
[7] Gn 3:10; 2K 6:17; Is 2:10; Jr 23:24; Ezk 12:18; Ac 9:7; 22:9; He 12:21.
[8] Gn 32:24, 25, 31; Ex 3:3; Dn 7:28; 8:7, 27; Hab 3:16; Mt 17:6; Mk 9:6; Jn 16:32; 2Co 12:2, 7; Rv 1:17.
[9] Gn 2:21; 15:12; Jb 4:13; 33:15; So 5:2; Dn 8:18; Lk 9:32; 22:45.

Being troubled with fear he is comforted by the angel.

10 ¶ And, behold,² an handº touchedºª me, which setºª me upon² my kneesº and [upon] the palmsº of my hands.º 11 And he saidºª unto² me, O Daniel,º a manº greatly beloved,¹² understandºª the wordsº that² I² speakºª unto² thee, and standºª upright:º² for² unto² thee am I now² sent.ºª And when he had spokenºª² this² wordº unto² me, I stoodºª trembling.ºª 12 Then saidºª he unto² me, Fearºª not,² Daniel:º for² from² the firstº dayº that² thou didst setºª² thine heartº to understand,ºª and to chasten¹ª thyself² beforeº thy God,º thy wordsº were heard,ºª and I² am comeºª for thy words.º 13 But the princeº of the kingdomº of Persiaº withstoodºª² me oneº and twentyº days:º but, lo,² Michael,º oneº of the chiefº princes,º cameºª to helpºª me; and I² remainedºª there² withº the kingsº of Persia.º 14 Now I am comeºª to make thee understandºª² what² shall befallºª thy peopleº in the latterº days:º for² yet² the visionº [is] for [many] days.º 15 And when he had spokenºª such² wordsº unto² me, I setºª my faceº toward the ground,º and I became dumb.ºª 16 And, behold,² [one] like the similitudeº of the sonsº of menº touchedºª² my lips:º then I openedºª my mouth,º and spake,ºª and saidºª unto² him that stoodºª before² me, O my lord,º by the vision¹² my sorrowsº are turnedºª upon² me, and I have retainedºª no² strength.º 17 For howº canºª the servantº of this² my lordº talkºª with² this² my lord?º for as for me,² straightwayº² there remainedºª no² strengthº in me, neither² is there breathº leftºª in me. 18 Then there came again¹ª² and touchedºª me [one] like the appearanceº of a man,º and he strengthenedºª me, 19 And said,ºª O manº greatly beloved,¹² fearºª not:² peaceº [be] unto thee, be strong,ºª yea, be strong.ºª And when he had spokenºª unto² me, I was strengthened,ºª and said,ºª Let my lordº speak;ºª for² thou hast strengthenedºª me. 20 Then saidºª he, Knowestºª thou wherefore² I comeºª unto² thee? and now² will I returnºª to fightºª with² the princeº of Persia:º and when I² am gone forth,ºª lo,² the princeº of Greciaº shall come.ºª 21 Butº I will shewºª thee² that which is notedºª in the scriptureº of truth:º and [there is] noneº² that holdethºª with² me in² these things,² but²² Michaelº your prince.º

[10] Jr 1:9; Dn 8:18; 9:21; 10:16, 18; Rv 1:17.
[11] Jb 4:14; 37:1; Ps 45:11; So 7:10; Dn 8:16; 9:22, 23; 10:3; Mk 16:8; Jn 13:23; 21:20; Ac 9:6; 26:16.
[12] Lv 16:29, 31; Nu 29:7; Ps 69:10; Is 35:4; 41:10, 14; 58:9; 65:24; Dn 9:3, 20; 10:2, 11, 19; Mt 28:5, 10; Mk 16:6; Lk 1:13, 30; 2:10; 24:38; Ac 10:3, 4, 30; 18:9; 27:24; Rv 1:17.
[13] Ezr 4:4, 24; Dn 10:20, 21; 12:1; Zc 3:1; Ep 6:12; Col 2:10; 1Th 2:18; 1P 3:22; Jde 1:9; Rv 12:7.
[14] Gn 49:1; Dt 4:30; 31:21; Is 2:2; Dn 2:28; 8:26; 10:1; 12:4, 9; Ho 3:5; Mi 4:1; Hab 2:3; 2Ti 3:1; He 2:3.
[15] Ezk 24:27; 33:22; Dn 8:18; 10:9; Lk 1:20.
[16] Ex 4:10, 13; Jsh 5:14; Jg 6:13, 15; 13:8; Ec 1:18; Is 6:7; Jr 1:9; Ezk 1:26; 3:27; 33:22; Dn 7:15, 28; 8:15, 17, 27; 9:21; 10:5, 8, 10, 17, 18; 12:8; Lk 1:64; 21:15; Jn 20:28; Php 2:7; Rv 1:13.
[17] Gn 32:20; Ex 24:10; 33:20; Jg 6:22; 13:21; Is 6:1; Dn 10:8; Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; Jn 1:18.
[18] 1S 23:15; Jb 16:5; 23:6; Is 35:3; Dn 8:18; 10:10, 16; Lk 22:32, 43; Ac 18:23; 2Co 12:9; Ep 3:16; Php 4:13; Col 1:11.
[19] Jsh 1:6, 9; Jg 6:23; 1S 3:9; Ps 138:3; Is 35:4; 41:10, 14; 43:1; Dn 9:23; 10:11, 12, 18; Hg 2:4; Zc 8:9, 13; Lk 24:36; Jn 11:3, 5, 36; 14:27; 15:9; 16:33; 19:26; 21:20; 1Co 16:13; 2Co 12:9; Ep 6:10; 2Ti 2:1; Rv 1:17.
[20] Is 37:36; Dn 7:6; 8:5, 21; 10:13; 11:2; Ac 12:23.
[21] Is 41:22; 43:8; Dn 8:26; 9:25; 10:13; 11:1; 12:1; Am 3:7; Ac 15:15, 18; Jde 1:9; Rv 12:7.

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