NASB — Leviticus 4 — KJV

The Law of Sin Offerings

1 Then the LORD° spoke° to Moses°, saying°, 2 “Speak° to the sons° of Israel°, saying°, ‘If° a person° sins° aunintentionally° in any° of the Ithings° which° the LORD° has bcommanded° not to be done°, and commits° any° of them, 3 aif° the anointed° priest° sins° so as to bring° guilt° on the people°, then let him offer° to the LORD° a Ibull°°° without° defect° as a sin° offering° for the sin° he has IIcommitted°. 4 He shall bring° the bull° to the doorway° of the tent° of meeting° before° the LORD°, and ahe shall lay° his hand° on the head° of the bull° and slay° the bull° before° the LORD°. 5 Then the aanointed° priest° is to take° some° of the blood° of the bull° and bring° it to the tent° of meeting°, 6 and the priest° shall dip° his finger° in the blood° and sprinkle° some° of the blood° seven° times° before° the LORD°, in front° of athe veil° of the sanctuary°. 7 The priest° shall also put° some° of the blood° on the horns° of athe altar° of fragrant° incense° which° is before° the LORD° in the tent° of meeting°; and all° the blood° of the bull° he shall pour° out at the base° of the altar° of burnt° offering° which° is at the doorway° of the tent° of meeting°. 8 aHe shall remove° from it all° the fat° of the bull° of the sin° offering°: the fat° that covers° the entrails°, and all° the fat° which° is on the entrails°, 9 and the two° kidneys° with the fat° that is on them, which° is on the loins°, and the Ilobe° of the liver°, which° he shall remove° awith the kidneys° 10 (just° as it is removed° from the ox° of the sacrifice° of peace° offerings°), and the priest° is to offer° them up in smoke° on the altar° of burnt° offering°. 11 But athe hide° of the bull° and all° its flesh° with its head° and its legs° and its entrails° and its refuse°, 12 Ithat is, all° [the rest of] the bull°, he is to bring° out to aa clean° place° outside°° the camp° where° the IIashes° are poured° out, and burn° it on wood° with fire°; where° the IIashes° are poured° out it shall be burned°.

[2] ILit commands of the LORD which are not to be done aLv 4:22, 27; 5:15-18; 22:14 bLv 4:13
[3] IOr bull of the herd IILit sinned aLv 4:14, 23, 28
[4] aLv 1:4; 4:15; Nu 8:12
[5] aLv 4:3, 17
[6] aEx 40:21, 26
[7] aLv 4:18, 25, 30, 34; 8:15; 9:9; 16:18
[8] aLv 3:3, 4
[9] IOr appendage on aLv 3:4
[11] aLv 9:11; Nu 19:5
[12] ILit and IIOr fat ashes are aLv 4:21; 6:10, 11; 16:27

13 ¶ ‘aNow if° the whole° congregation° of Israel° commits° error° and the matter° Iescapes° the notice° of the assembly°, and they commit° any° of the IIthings° which° the LORD° has commanded° not to be done°, and they become° guilty°; 14 awhen the sin° Iwhich° they have IIcommitted° becomes° known°, then the assembly° shall offer° ba IIIbull° of the herd° for a sin° offering° and bring° it before° the tent° of meeting°. 15 Then athe elders° of the congregation° shall lay° their hands° on the head° of the bull° before° the LORD°, and the bull° shall be slain° bbefore° the LORD°. 16 Then the anointed° priest° is to bring° some° of the blood° of the bull° to the tent° of meeting°; 17 and athe priest° shall dip° his finger° in the blood° and sprinkle° [it] seven° times° before° the LORD°, in front° of the veil°. 18 He shall put° some° of the blood° on the horns° of athe altar° which° is before° the LORD° Iin the tent° of meeting°; and all° the blood° he shall pour° out at the base° of the altar° of burnt° offering° which° is at the doorway° of the tent° of meeting°. 19 aHe shall remove° all° its fat° from it and offer° it up in smoke° on the altar°. 20 He shall also do° with the bull° just° as he did° with athe bull° of the sin° offering°; thus° he shall do° with it. So bthe priest° shall make° atonement° for them, and they will be forgiven°. 21 Then he is to bring° out the bull° to [a place] outside°° the camp° and burn° it as he burned° the first° bull°; it is athe sin° offering° for the assembly°.

[13] ILit is hidden from the eyes of IILit commands of the LORD which are not to be done aNu 15:24-26
[14] ILit concerning which IILit sinned IIILit son of the herd aLv 4:3 bLv 4:3, 23, 28
[15] aLv 8:14, 18, 22; Nu 8:10, 12 bLv 1:3
[17] aLv 4:6
[18] ILit which is in aLv 4:7, 25, 30, 34
[19] aLv 4:8
[20] aLv 4:8, 21 bNu 15:25, 28
[21] aLv 4:13f; 16:15-17; Nu 15:24-26

22 ¶ ‘When° aa leader° bsins° and unintentionally° does° any° one° of all° the Ithings° which° the LORD° his God° has commanded° not to be done°, and he becomes° guilty°, 23 Iaif° his sin° IIwhich° he has committed° is made° known° to him, he shall bring° for his offering° a IIIbgoat°°, ca male° without° defect°. 24 He shall lay° his hand° on the head° of the male° goat° and slay° it in the place° where° Ithey slay° the burnt° offering° before° the LORD°; it is a sin° offering°. 25 Then the priest° is to take° some° of the blood° of the sin° offering° with his finger° and put° it on athe horns° of the altar° of burnt° offering°; and [the rest of] its blood° he shall pour° out at the base° of the altar° of burnt° offering°. 26 aAll° its fat° he shall offer° up in smoke° on the altar° as [in the case of] the fat° of the sacrifice° of peace° offerings°. Thus bthe priest° shall make° atonement° for him in regard to his sin°, and he will be forgiven°.

[22] ILit commands of the LORD which are not to be done aNu 31:13; 32:2 bLv 4:2, 27
[23] ILit or IILit in which he has sinned IIILit buck of the goats aLv 4:3 bLv 4:3, 14, 28 cLv 4:28
[24] ILit one slays
[25] aLv 4:7, 18, 30, 34
[26] aLv 4:19 bLv 4:20, 31; 5:10, 13, 16, 18; 6:7

27 ¶ ‘Now if° Ianyone°° of IIthe common° people° sins° aunintentionally° in doing° any° of the IIIthings° which° the LORD° has commanded° not to be done°, and becomes° guilty°, 28 Iaif° his sin° which° he has IIcommitted° is made° known° to him, then he shall bring° for his offering° a IIIbgoat°, a cfemale° without° defect°, for his sin° which° he has IIcommitted°. 29 aHe shall lay° his hand° on the head° of the sin° offering° and bslay° the sin° offering° at the place° of the burnt° offering°. 30 The priest° shall take° some° of its blood° with his finger° and put° it on the horns° of athe altar° of burnt° offering°; and ball° [the rest of] its blood° he shall pour° out at the base° of the altar°. 31 aThen he shall remove° all° its fat°, just° as the fat° was removed° from the sacrifice° of peace° offerings°; and the priest° shall offer° it up in smoke° on the altar° for ba soothing° aroma° to the LORD°. Thus the priest° shall make° atonement° for him, Iand he will be forgiven°.

[27] ILit one soul IILit the people of the land IIILit commands of the LORD which are not to be done aLv 4:2; Nu 15:27
[28] ILit or IILit sinned IIIOr female goat aLv 4:3 bLv 4:3, 14, 23, 32 cLv 4:23
[29] aLv 1:4; 4:4, 24 bLv 1:5, 11
[30] aLv 4:7, 18, 25, 34 bLv 4:7
[31] IOr so that he may be aLv 4:8 bGn 8:21; Ex 29:18; Lv 1:9, 13; 2:2, 9, 12

32 ¶ ‘But if° he brings° aa lamb° as his offering° for a sin° offering°, he shall bring° it, a female° without° defect°. 33 aHe shall lay° his hand° on the head° of the sin° offering° and slay° it for a sin° offering° bin the place° where° Ithey slay° the burnt° offering°. 34 The priest° is to take° some° of the blood° of the sin° offering° with his finger° and put° it on the horns° of athe altar° of burnt° offering°, and ball° [the rest of] its blood° he shall pour° out at the base° of the altar°. 35 Then he shall remove° aall° its fat°, just° as the fat° of the lamb° is removed° from the sacrifice° of the peace° offerings°, and the priest° shall offer° them up in smoke° on the altar°, on the offerings° by fire° to the LORD°. Thus bthe priest° shall make° atonement° for him in regard° to his sin° which° he has Icommitted°, and he will be forgiven°.

[32] aLv 4:28
[33] ILit one slays aLv 1:4, 5 bLv 4:29
[34] aLv 4:7, 18, 25, 30 bLv 4:7
[35] ILit sinned aLv 4:26, 31 bLv 4:20

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The sin offering of ignorance,

1 ¶ And the LORDº spakeºª unto² Moses,º saying,ºª 2 Speakºª unto² the childrenº of Israel,º saying,ºª If² a soulº shall sinºª through ignoranceº against any²² of the commandmentsº of the LORDº [concerning things] which² ought not² to be done,ºª and shall doºª against anyº² of them:º²

[2] Gn 20:9; Lv 4:27; 5:15, 17; Nu 15:22; Dt 19:4; 1S 14:27; Ps 19:12; 1Ti 1:13; He 5:2; 9:7; Jm 3:10.

for the priest,

3 If² the priestº that is anointedº do sinºª according to the sinº of the people;º then let him bringºª for² his sin,º which² he hath sinned,ºª a youngºº bullockº without blemishº unto the LORDº for a sin offering.º 4 And he shall bringºª² the bullockº unto² the doorº of the tabernacleº of the congregationº beforeº the LORD;º and shall layºª² his handº upon² the bullock'sº head,º and killºª² the bullockº beforeº the LORD.º 5 And the priestº that is anointedº shall takeºª of the bullock's¹ blood,º²² and bringºª it to² the tabernacleº of the congregation:º 6 And the priestº shall dipºª² his fingerº in the blood,º and sprinkleºª of² the bloodº sevenº timesº beforeº the LORD,º² beforeº the vailº of the sanctuary.º 7 And the priestº shall putºª [some] of² the bloodº upon² the hornsº of the altarº of sweetº incenseº beforeº the LORD,º which² [is] in the tabernacleº of the congregation;º and shall pourºª all² the bloodº of the bullockº at² the bottomº of the altarº of the burnt offering,º which² [is at] the doorº of the tabernacleº of the congregation.º 8 And he shall take offºª from² it all² the fatº of the bullockº for the sin offering;º² the fatº that coverethºª² the inwards,º and all² the fatº that² [is] upon² the inwards,º 9 And the twoº kidneys,º and the fatº that² [is] upon² them, which² [is] by² the flanks,º and the caulº above² the liver,º with² the kidneys,º it shall he take away,ºª 10 As² it was taken offºª from the bullockº² of the sacrificeº of peace offerings:º and the priestº shall burnºª them upon² the altarº of the burnt offering.º 11 And the skinº of the bullock,º and all² his flesh,º with² his head,º and with² his legs,º and his inwards,º and his dung,º 12 Even² the whole² bullockº shall he carry forthºª withoutº²² the campº unto² a cleanº place,º where the ashesº are poured out,º and burnºª him on² the woodº with fire:º where¹² the ashesº are poured outº shall he be burnt.ºª

[3] Ex 29:7, 14, 21; 30:10; Lv 4:14; 5:6; 8:12; 9:2; 16:6, 11; 21:10; Nu 8:8; Ezr 8:35; Ezk 43:19; Ro 8:3; 2Co 5:21; He 5:3; 7:27.
[4] Ex 29:10; Lv 1:3, 4; 16:21; Is 53:6; Dn 9:26; 1P 3:18.
[5] Lv 4:16; 16:14, 19; Nu 19:4; 1Jn 1:7.
[6] Lv 4:17, 25, 30, 34; 8:15; 9:9; 14:16, 18, 27; 16:14, 19; 25:8; 26:18, 24, 28; Nu 19:4; Jsh 6:4, 8.
[7] Ex 30:1; Lv 4:18, 34; 5:9; 8:15; 9:9; 16:18; Ps 118:27; Ep 2:13; He 9:21.
[8] Lv 3:3, 9, 14; 4:19, 26, 31, 35; 7:3; 16:25; Is 53:10; Jn 12:27.
[10] Lv 23:19; Ps 32:1; 1Ti 2:5.
[11] Ex 29:14; Lv 4:21; 6:30; 8:14; 9:8; 16:27; Nu 19:5; Ps 103:12; He 13:11.
[12] Ex 29:14; Lv 6:10; 13:46; Nu 5:3; 15:35; 19:3, 5; He 13:11.

for the congregation,

13 ¶ And if² the whole² congregationº of Israelº sin through ignorance,ºª and the thingº be hidºª from the eyesº² of the assembly,º and they have doneºª [somewhat against] any¹ of²²² the commandmentsº of the LORDº [concerning things] which² should not² be done,ºª and are guilty;ºª 14 When the sin,º which² they have sinnedºª against² it, is known,ºª then the congregationº shall offerºª a youngºº bullockº for the sin,º and bringºª him beforeº the tabernacleº of the congregation.º 15 And the eldersº of the congregationº shall layºª² their handsº upon² the headº of the bullockº beforeº the LORD:º and² the bullockº shall be killedºª beforeº the LORD.º 16 And the priestº that is anointedº shall bringºª of the bullock's¹ bloodº²² to² the tabernacleº of the congregation:º 17 And the priestº shall dipºª his fingerº [in some] of² the blood,º and sprinkleºª [it] sevenº timesº beforeº the LORD,º [even]² beforeº the vail.º 18 And he shall putºª [some] of² the bloodº upon² the hornsº of the altarº which² [is] beforeº the LORD,º that² [is] in the tabernacleº of the congregation,º and shall pour outºª all² the bloodº at² the bottomº of the altarº of the burnt offering,º which² [is at] the doorº of the tabernacleº of the congregation.º 19 And he shall takeºª all² his fatº from² him, and burnºª [it] upon the altar.º 20 And he shall doºª with the bullockº as² he didºª with the bullockº for a sin offering,º so² shall he doºª with this: and the priestº shall make an atonementºª for² them, and it shall be forgivenºª them. 21 And he shall carry forthºª² the bullockº withoutº²² the camp,º and burnºª him as² he burnedºª² the firstº bullock:º it² [is] a sin offeringº for the congregation.º

[13] Lv 4:1; 5:2, 17; 6:4; Nu 15:24; Jsh 7:11, 24; 1S 14:32; Ezr 10:19; Ho 5:15; 1Co 11:27; 1Ti 1:13; He 10:26.
[14] Lv 4:3.
[15] Ex 24:1, 9; Lv 1:4; 4:4; 16:21; Nu 11:16, 25; Dt 21:3.
[16] Lv 4:5; He 9:12.
[17] Lv 4:6.
[18] Lv 4:7.
[19] Lv 4:8, 26, 31, 35; 5:6; 6:7; 12:8; 14:18; Nu 15:25; Ps 22:14; He 1:3; 9:14.
[20] Ex 32:30; Lv 1:4; 4:3, 26; 5:6; 6:7; 12:8; 14:18; Nu 15:25; Dn 9:24; Ro 5:11; Ga 3:13; He 1:3; 2:17; 9:14; 10:10; 1Jn 1:7; 2:2; Rv 1:5.
[21] Lv 4:11; 16:15, 21; 2Ch 29:21; Ezr 8:35; Mt 20:28; 2Co 5:21; 1Ti 2:5.

for the ruler,

22 ¶ When² a rulerº hath sinned,ºª and doneºª [somewhat] through ignoranceº [against] any¹ of²²² the commandmentsº of the LORDº his Godº [concerning things] which² should not² be done,ºª and is guilty;ºª 23 Or² if his sin,º wherein² he hath sinned,ºª come to his knowledge;ºª² he shall bringºª² his offering,º a kidº of the goats,º a maleº without blemish:º 24 And he shall layºª his handº upon² the headº of the goat,º and killºª it in the placeº where² they killºª² the burnt offeringº beforeº the LORD:º it² [is] a sin offering.º 25 And the priestº shall takeºª of² the bloodº of the sin offeringº with his finger,º and putºª [it] upon² the hornsº of the altarº of burnt offering,º and shall pour outºª his bloodº at² the bottomº of the altarº of burnt offering.º 26 And he shall burnºª all² his fatº upon the altar,º as the fatº of the sacrificeº of peace offerings:º and the priestº shall make an atonementºª for² him as concerning his sin,º² and it shall be forgivenºª him.

[22] Ex 18:21; Lv 4:2, 13, 26; Nu 1:4, 16; 7:2; 16:2; 2S 21:1; 24:10.
[23] Lv 4:14; 5:4; 9:3; 23:19; Nu 7:16, 22, 28, 34; 15:24; 28:15, 30; 29:5, 11, 16, 19; 2K 22:10; Ro 8:3.
[24] Ex 29:38; Lv 1:5, 11; 3:2, 8, 13; 4:3, 4, 15, 21, 29, 31, 33, 35; 6:25; 7:2; 16:15; Is 53:6.
[25] Lv 4:7, 18, 30, 34; 8:10, 15; 9:9; 16:18; Is 40:21; Ro 3:24; 8:3; 10:4; He 2:10; 9:22.
[26] Lv 3:5; 4:8, 20, 35; 6:20; Nu 15:28.

for any of the people.

27 ¶ And if² anyº oneº of the common¹ peopleº²² sinºª through ignorance,º while he doethºª [somewhat against] anyº of the commandmentsº² of the LORDº [concerning things] which² ought not² to be done,ºª and be guilty;ºª 28 Or² if his sin,º which² he hath sinned,ºª come to his knowledge:ºª² then he shall bringºª his offering,º a kidº of the goats,º a femaleº without blemish,º for² his sinº which² he hath sinned.ºª 29 And he shall layºª² his handº upon² the headº of the sin offering,º and slayºª² the sin offeringº in the placeº of the burnt offering.º 30 And the priestº shall takeºª of the bloodº² thereof with his finger,º and putºª [it] upon² the hornsº of the altarº of burnt offering,º and shall pour outºª all² the bloodº thereof at² the bottomº of the altar.º 31 And he shall take awayºª all² the fatº thereof, as² the fatº is taken awayºª from² off² the sacrificeº of peace offerings;º and the priestº shall burnºª [it] upon the altarº for a sweetº savourº unto the LORD;º and the priestº shall make an atonementºª for² him, and it shall be forgivenºª him. 32 And if² he bringºª a lambº for a sinº offering,º he shall bringºª it a femaleº without blemish.º 33 And he shall layºª² his handº upon² the headº of the sin offering,º and slayºª it for a sin offeringº in the placeº where² they killºª² the burnt offering.º 34 And the priestº shall takeºª of the bloodº² of the sin offeringº with his finger,º and putºª [it] upon² the hornsº of the altarº of burnt offering,º and shall pour outºª all² the bloodº thereof at² the bottomº of the altar:º 35 And he shall take awayºª all² the fatº thereof, as² the fatº of the lambº is taken awayºª from the sacrificeº² of the peace offerings;º and the priestº shall burnºª them upon the altar,º according to² the offerings made by fireº unto the LORD:º and the priestº shall make an atonementºª for² his sinº that² he hath committed,ºª and it shall be forgivenºª him.

[27] Ex 12:49; Lv 4:2, 13; Nu 5:6; 15:16, 27, 29.
[28] Gn 3:15; Lv 4:23, 32; 5:6; Is 7:14; Jr 31:22; Ro 8:3; Ga 3:28; 4:4.
[29] Lv 4:4, 15, 24, 33; He 10:4.
[30] Lv 4:25, 34; Is 42:21; Ro 8:3; 10:4; He 2:10.
[31] Ex 29:18; Lv 1:9, 13, 17; 3:3, 5, 9, 14; 4:8, 19, 26, 35; 8:21; Ezr 6:10; Jb 42:8; Ps 40:6; 51:16; 69:30; Is 42:21; 53:10; Mt 3:17; Ep 5:2; He 1:3; 9:12, 14; 10:12, 14; 1P 2:4; 1Jn 1:7; 4:9; Rv 5:9.
[32] Ex 12:3, 5; Lv 3:6; 4:28; 5:6; Is 53:7; Lk 1:35; Jn 1:29, 36; Ep 5:27; He 7:26; 9:14; 1P 1:18; 2:22, 24; 3:18; Rv 5:6, 8.
[33] Lv 4:4, 29.
[34] Lv 4:25, 30; Is 42:21; Jn 17:19; Ro 8:1, 3; 10:4; 2Co 5:21; He 2:10; 10:29; 1P 1:18; 2:24; 3:18.
[35] Lv 1:1, 4; 4:20, 26, 30, 31; 5:6, 10, 13; 6:7; 9:7; 12:8; 14:18, 53; 16:1; Nu 15:25; Ro 3:24; 4:25; 5:6, 15; 8:1, 3; 10:4; 2Co 5:21; Ep 1:6; 5:2; Col 1:14; He 1:3; 4:14; 7:26; 9:14; 1P 1:18; 2:22, 24; 3:18; 1Jn 1:7; 2:2; 4:9; Rv 1:5.

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