NASB — Ezekiel 48 — KJV

Division of the Land

1 “Now athese° are the names° of the tribes°: from the northern° extremity°, Ibeside°° the way° of Hethlon° to IILebo-hamath°, [as far as] Hazar-enan° [at] the border° of Damascus°, toward the north° Ibeside°° Hamath°, IIIrunning° from east° to west°, bDan°, one° [portion]. 2 Beside° the border° of Dan°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aAsher°, one° [portion]. 3 Beside° the border° of Asher°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aNaphtali°, one° [portion]. 4 Beside° the border° of Naphtali°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aManasseh°, one° [portion]. 5 Beside° the border° of Manasseh°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aEphraim°, one° [portion]. 6 Beside° the border° of Ephraim°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aReuben°, one° [portion]. 7 Beside° the border° of Reuben°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aJudah°, one° [portion].

[1] ILit at the hand of IIOr the entrance of Hamath IIILit and there shall be to it an east and west side aEx 1:1 bJsh 19:40-48
[2] aJsh 19:24-31
[3] aJsh 19:32-39
[4] aJsh 13:29-31; 17:1-11
[5] aJsh 16:5-9; 17:8-10, 14-18
[6] aJsh 13:15-21
[7] aJsh 15:1-63; 19:9

8 ¶ “And beside° the border° of Judah°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, shall be the Iallotment° which° you shall IIset° apart°, 25,000°°° III[cubits] in width°, and in length° like one° of the portions°, from the east° side° to the west° side°; and the asanctuary° shall be in the middle° of it. 9 The allotment° that you shall set° apart° to the LORD° [shall be] 25,000°°° [cubits] in length° and 10,000°° in width°.

[8] IOr contribution, and so throughout the ch IILit offer IIIOr possibly reeds, and so throughout the ch aIs 12:6; 33:20-22; Ezk 45:3, 4

Portion for the Priests

10 The holy° allotment° shall be for these°, [namely] for the apriests°, toward the north° 25,000°°° [cubits in length], toward the west° 10,000°° in width°, toward the east° 10,000°° in width°, and toward the south° 25,000°°° in length°; and the sanctuary° of the LORD° shall be in its midst°. 11 [It shall be] for the priests° who are sanctified° of the asons° of Zadok°, who° have kept° My charge°, who° did not go° astray° when the sons° of Israel° went° astray° as the bLevites° went° astray°. 12 It shall be an allotment° to them from the allotment° of the land°, a most° holy° place°, by the border° of the Levites°. 13 Alongside° the border° of the priests° the Levites° [shall have] 25,000°°° [cubits] in length° and 10,000°° in width°. The whole° length° [shall be] 25,000°°° [cubits] and the width° 10,000°°. 14 Moreover, they ashall not sell° or exchange° any° of it, or alienate° this Ichoice° [portion] of land°; for it is holy° to the LORD°.

[10] aEzk 44:28; 45:4
[11] aEzk 40:46; 44:15 bEzk 44:10, 12
[14] ILit first or first fruits aLv 25:32-34; 27:10, 28, 33

15 ¶ “The remainder°, 5,000°° [cubits] in width° and 25,000°°° Iin length°°, shall be for acommon° use° for the city°, for dwellings° and for IIopen° spaces°; and the city° shall be in its midst°. 16 These° [shall be] its measurements°: the north° side° 4,500°°°° [cubits], the south° side° a4,500°°°° [cubits], the east° side° 4,500°°°° [cubits], and the west° side° 4,500°°°° [cubits]. 17 The city° shall have° Iopen° spaces°: on the north° 250°° [cubits], on the south° 250°° [cubits], on the east° 250°° [cubits], and on the west° 250°° [cubits]. 18 The remainder° of the length° alongside° the holy° allotment° shall be 10,000°° [cubits] toward the east° and 10,000°° toward the west°; and it shall be Ialongside° the holy° allotment°. And its produce° shall be food° for the workers° of the city°. 19 The workers° of the city°, out of all° the tribes° of Israel°, shall cultivate° it. 20 The whole° allotment° [shall be] 25,000°°° by 25,000°°° [cubits]; you shall Iset° apart° the holy° allotment°, a IIsquare°, with the IIIproperty° of the city°.

[15] ILit in front IIOr pasture land aEzk 42:20; 45:6
[16] aRv 21:16
[17] IOr pasture land
[18] IOr exactly as
[20] ILit offer IILit fourth IIIOr possession

Portion for the Prince

21 ¶ “The aremainder° [shall be] for the prince°, on the one° side° and on the other° of the holy° allotment° and of the Iproperty° of the city°; in front° of the 25,000°°° [cubits] of the allotment° toward° the east° border° and westward° in front° of the 25,000°°° toward° the west° border°, alongside° the portions°, [it shall be] for the prince°. And the holy° allotment° and the sanctuary° of the house° shall be in the middle° of it. 22 Exclusive° of the Iproperty° of the Levites° and the Iproperty° of the city°, [which] are in the middle° of that which° belongs° to the prince°, [everything] between° the border° of Judah° and the border° of Benjamin° shall be for the prince°.

[21] IOr possession aEzk 34:24; 45:7; 48:22
[22] IOr possession

Portion for Other Tribes

23 ¶ “As for the rest° of the tribes°: from the east° side° to the west° side°, aBenjamin°, one° [portion]. 24 Beside° the border° of Benjamin°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aSimeon°, one° [portion]. 25 Beside° the border° of Simeon°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aIssachar°, one° [portion]. 26 Beside° the border° of Issachar°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aZebulun°, one° [portion]. 27 Beside° the border° of Zebulun°, from the east° side° to the west° side°, aGad°, one° [portion]. 28 And beside° the border° of Gad°, at the south° side° toward the south°, the border° shall be from aTamar° to the waters° of Meribath-kadesh°°, to the brook° [of Egypt], to the bGreat° Sea°. 29 This° is the aland° which° you shall divide° by lot° to the tribes° of Israel° for an inheritance°, and these° are their [several] portions°,” declares° the Lord° IGOD°.

[23] aJsh 18:21-28
[24] aJsh 19:1-9
[25] aJsh 19:17-23
[26] aJsh 19:10-16
[27] aJsh 13:24-28
[28] aGn 14:7; 2Ch 20:2; Ezk 47:19 bEzk 47:10, 15, 19, 20
[29] IHeb YHWH, usually rendered LORD aEzk 47:13-20

The City Gates

30 ¶ “These° are the exits° of the city°: on the anorth° side°, 4,500°°°° [cubits] by measurement°, 31 Ishall be the gates° of the city°, IIanamed°° for the tribes° of Israel°, three° gates° toward the north°: the gate° of Reuben°, one°; the gate° of Judah°, one°; the gate° of Levi°, one°. 32 On the east° side°, 4,500°°°° [cubits], Ishall be three° gates°: the gate° of Joseph°, one°; the gate° of Benjamin°, one°; the gate° of Dan°, one°. 33 On the south° side°, 4,500°°°° [cubits] by measurement°, Ishall be three° gates°: the gate° of Simeon°, one°; the gate° of Issachar°, one°; the gate° of Zebulun°, one°. 34 On the west° side°, 4,500°°°° [cubits, shall be] three° gates°: the gate° of Gad°, one°; the gate° of Asher°, one°; the gate° of Naphtali°, one°. 35 [The city shall be] 18,000°°° [cubits] round° about°; and the aname° of the city° from [that] day° [shall be], ‘IThe bLORD° is there°.’”

[30] aEzk 48:32-34
[31] ILit and IILit according to the names of aRv 21:12, 13
[32] ILit and
[33] ILit and
[35] IHeb YHWH-shammah aJr 23:6; 33:16 bIs 12:6; 14:32; 24:23; Jr 3:17; 8:19; 14:9; Ezk 35:10; Jol 3:21; Zc 2:10; Rv 21:3; 22:3

New American Standard Bible
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The portions of the twelve tribes,

1 ¶ Now these² [are] the namesº of the tribes.º From the northº endº² to² the coastº of the wayº of Hethlon,º as one goethºª to Hamath,º Hazarenan,º the borderº of Damascusº northward,º to² the coastº of Hamath;º for these are² his sidesº eastº [and] west;º aº [portion for] Dan.º 2 And by² the borderº of Dan,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º aº [portion for] Asher.º 3 And by² the borderº of Asher,º from the eastº sideº² even unto² the westº side,º aº [portion for] Naphtali.º 4 And by² the borderº of Naphtali,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º aº [portion for] Manasseh.º 5 And by² the borderº of Manasseh,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º aº [portion for] Ephraim.º 6 And by² the borderº of Ephraim,º from the eastº sideº² even unto² the westº side,º aº [portion for] Reuben.º 7 And by² the borderº of Reuben,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º aº [portion for] Judah.º

[1] Gn 30:3; Ex 1:1; Nu 1:5; 13:4; 34:7; Jsh 19:40; Jg 18:26; 2S 24:2; 1K 12:28; Ezk 47:15; Mt 20:15; Rv 7:4.
[2] Gn 30:12; Jsh 19:24.
[3] Gn 30:7; Jsh 19:32.
[4] Gn 30:22; 41:51; 48:5, 14; Jsh 13:29; 17:1; Ezk 45:1.
[5] Jsh 16:1; 17:8, 14.
[6] Gn 29:32; 49:3; Jsh 13:15.
[7] Gn 29:35; Jsh 15:1; 19:9.

of the sanctuary,

8 ¶ And by² the borderº of Judah,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º shall be² the offeringº which² ye shall offerºª of fiveº and twentyº thousandº [reeds in] breadth,º and [in] lengthº as oneº of the [other] parts,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side:º and the sanctuaryº shall be² in the midstº of it. 9 The oblationº that² ye shall offerºª unto the LORDº [shall be] of fiveº and twentyº thousandº in length,º and of tenº thousandº in breadth.º 10 And for them,² [even] for the priests,º shall be² [this] holyº oblation;º toward the northº fiveº and twentyº thousandº [in length], and toward the westº tenº thousandº in breadth,º and toward the eastº tenº thousandº in breadth,º and toward the southº fiveº and twentyº thousandº in length:º and the sanctuaryº of the LORDº shall be² in the midstº thereof. 11 [It shall be] for the priestsº that are sanctifiedºª of the sonsº² of Zadok;º which² have keptºª my charge,º which² went not astrayºª² when the childrenº of Israelº went astray,ºª as² the Levitesº went astray.ºª 12 And [this] oblationº of the landº that is offeredº² shall be² unto them a thing most¹ holyº by² the borderº of the Levites.º 13 And over againstº the borderº of the priestsº the Levitesº [shall have] fiveº and twentyº thousandº in length,º and tenº thousandº in breadth:º all² the lengthº [shall be] fiveº and twentyº thousand,º and the breadthº tenº thousand.º 14 And they shall not² sellºª of² it, neither² exchange,ºª nor² alienateºªªª the firstfruitsº of the land:º for² [it is] holyº unto the LORD.º

[8] Is 12:6; 33:20; Ezk 45:1; 48:35; Zc 2:11; 2Co 6:16; Ep 2:20; Col 2:9; Rv 21:3, 22; 22:3.
[10] Nu 35:1; Jsh 21:1; Ezk 44:28; 45:4; 48:8; Mt 10:10; 1Co 9:13.
[11] Ezk 40:46; 43:19; 44:10, 15; Mt 24:45; 2Ti 4:7; 1P 5:4; Rv 2:10.
[12] Lv 27:21; Ezk 45:4.
[13] Dt 12:19; Ezk 45:3; Lk 10:7.
[14] Ex 22:29; Lv 23:20; 27:9, 10, 28, 32, 33; Ezk 48:12; Mal 3:8.

of the city and suburbs,

15 ¶ And the fiveº thousand,º that are leftºª in the breadthº over againstº² the fiveº and twentyº thousand,º shall be a profaneº [place] for the city,º for dwelling,º and for suburbs:º and the cityº shall be² in the midstº thereof. 16 And these² [shall be] the measuresº thereof; the northº sideº fourº thousandº and fiveº hundred,º and the southº sideº fourº thousandº and fiveº hundred,º and on the eastº sideº² fourº thousandº and fiveº hundred,º and the westº sideº fourº thousandº and fiveºª hundred.º 17 And the suburbsº of the cityº shall be² toward the northº two hundredº and fifty,º and toward the southº two hundredº and fifty,º and toward the eastº two hundredº and fifty,º and toward the westº two hundredº and fifty.º 18 And the residueºª in lengthº over againstº the oblationº of the holyº [portion shall be] tenº thousandº eastward,º and tenº thousandº westward:º and it shall be² over againstº the oblationº of the holyº [portion]; and the increaseº thereof shall be² for foodº unto them that serveºª the city.º 19 And they that serveºª the cityº shall serveºª it out of all²² the tribesº of Israel.º 20 All² the oblationº [shall be] fiveº and twentyº thousandº by fiveº and twentyº thousand:º ye shall offerºª² the holyº oblationº foursquare,º with² the possessionº of the city.º

[15] Ezk 22:26; 42:15, 20; 44:23; 45:1, 6; 48:9, 13, 15, 17, 18, 30; 1Ti 3:15.
[18] Jsh 9:27; Ezr 2:43; Ne 7:46.
[19] 1K 4:7; Ne 11:1; Ezk 45:6.
[20] He 12:17; Rv 21:16.

of the prince,

21 ¶ And the residueºª [shall be] for the prince,º on the one side²² and on the other²² of the holyº oblation,º and of the possessionº of the city,º over againstº² the fiveº and twentyº thousandº of the oblationº toward² the eastº border,º and westwardº over againstº² the fiveº and twentyº thousandº toward² the westº border,º over againstº the portionsº for the prince:º and it shall be² the holyº oblation;º and the sanctuaryº of the houseº [shall be] in the midstº thereof. 22 Moreover from the possessionº² of the Levites,º and from the possessionº² of the city,º [being] in the midstº [of that] which² is² the prince's,º between² the borderº of Judahº and the borderº of Benjamin,º shall be² for the prince.º

[21] Ezk 34:23; 37:24; 45:7; 48:8, 22; Ho 1:11.

and of the twelve tribes.

23 As for the restº of the tribes,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º Benjaminº [shall have] aº [portion]. 24 And by² the borderº of Benjamin,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º Simeonº [shall have] aº [portion]. 25 And by² the borderº of Simeon,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º Issacharº aº [portion]. 26 And by² the borderº of Issachar,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º Zebulunº aº [portion]. 27 And by² the borderº of Zebulun,º from the eastº sideº² unto² the westº side,º Gadº aº [portion]. 28 And by² the borderº of Gad,º at² the southº sideº southward,º the borderº shall be² even from Tamarº² [unto] the watersº of strifeºª¹ [in] Kadesh,º [and] to the riverº toward² the greatº sea.º 29 This² [is] the landº which² ye shall divide¹ª by lot² unto the tribesº of Israelº for inheritance,º² and these² [are] their portions,º saithºª the Lordº GOD.º

[23] Gn 35:16; Jsh 18:21; Ezk 48:1.
[24] Gn 29:33; 49:5; Jsh 19:1.
[25] Gn 30:14; Jsh 19:17.
[26] Gn 30:19; Jsh 19:10.
[27] Gn 30:10; Jsh 13:24.
[28] Gn 15:18; Nu 20:1, 13; 34:5; Jsh 13:3; 2Ch 20:2; Ps 106:32; Is 27:12; Ezk 47:15, 19.
[29] Nu 34:2, 13; Jsh 13:1; Ezk 47:13.

The dimensions and gates of the city.

30 ¶ And these² [are] the goings outº of the cityº on the northº side,º² fourº thousandº and fiveº hundredº measures.º 31 And the gatesº of the cityº [shall be] after² the namesº of the tribesº of Israel:º threeº gatesº northward;º oneº gateº of Reuben,º oneº gateº of Judah,º oneº gateº of Levi.º 32 And at² the eastº sideº fourº thousandº and fiveº hundred:º and threeº gates;º and oneº gateº of Joseph,º oneº gateº of Benjamin,º oneº gateº of Dan.º 33 And at the southº sideº fourº thousandº and fiveº hundredº measures:º and threeº gates;º oneº gateº of Simeon,º oneº gateº of Issachar,º oneº gateº of Zebulun.º 34 At the westº sideº fourº thousandº and fiveº hundred,º [with] their threeº gates;º oneº gateº of Gad,º oneº gateº of Asher,º oneº gateº of Naphtali.º 35 [It was] round aboutº eighteenºº thousandº [measures]: and the nameº of the cityº from [that] dayº² [shall be], The LORD² [is] there.¹²

[30] Ezk 42:15, 16; 48:16, 32; Rv 21:16.
[31] Is 26:1; 54:12; 60:11; Rv 21:12, 21, 25.
[35] Gn 22:14; Ex 15:26; 17:15; Jg 6:24; Ps 46:5; 48:3, 14; 68:18; 77:13; 132:14; Is 12:6; 14:32; 24:23; Jr 3:17; 33:16; Jol 3:21; Zc 2:10; 14:21; Rv 21:3; 22:3.

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