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Proverbs 25:17

New American Standard Bible (NASB ©1995) [2]
— Let your foot rarely be in your neighbor’s house, Or he will become weary of you and hate you.
King James Version (KJV 1769) [2]
— Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee, and [so] hate thee.
English Revised Version (ERV 1885)
— Let thy foot be seldom in thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
American Standard Version (ASV 1901) [2]
— Let thy foot be seldom in thy neighbor's house, Lest he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
Webster's Revision of the KJB (WEB 1833)
— Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house; lest he be weary of thee, and [so] hate thee.
Darby's Translation (DBY 1890)
— Let thy foot be seldom in thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee and hate thee.
Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR 1902)
— Withhold thy foot from the house of thy neighbour,—lest he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
Young's Literal Translation (YLT 1898)
— Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house, Lest he be satiated [with] thee, and have hated thee.
Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision (DR 1750)
— Withdraw thy foot from the house of thy neighbour, lest having his fill he hate thee.
Geneva Bible (GNV 1560)
— Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighbours house, least he be weary of thee, and hate thee.
Original King James Bible (AV 1611) [2]
— Withdraw thy foote from thy neighbours house: lest he be weary of thee, and [so] hate thee.
Lamsa Bible (1957)
— Do not visit your neighbor's house too frequently, lest he become weary of you and so hate you.
Brenton Greek Septuagint (LXX, Restored Names)
— Enter sparingly into thy friend's house, lest he be satiated with thy company, and hate thee.
Full Hebrew Names / Holy Name KJV (2008) [2] [3]
— Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee, and [so] hate thee.

Strong's Numbers & Hebrew NamesHebrew Old TestamentColor-Code/Key Word Studies
Withdraw 3365
{3365} Prime
A primitive root; properly apparently to be heavy, that is, (figuratively) valuable; causatively to make rare (figuratively to inhibit).
<8685> Grammar
Stem - Hiphil (See H8818)
Mood - Imperative (See H8810)
Count - 731
thy foot 7272
{7272} Prime
From H7270; a foot (as used in walking); by implication a step; by euphemism the pudenda.
from thy neighbour's 7453
{7453} Prime
From H7462; an associate (more or less close).
house; 1004
{1004} Prime
Probably from H1129 abbreviated; a house (in the greatest variation of applications, especially family, etc.).
(4480) Complement
For H4482; properly a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses.
lest x6435
(6435) Complement
From H6437; properly removal; used only (in the constructive) adverbially as conjugation lest.
he be weary 7646
{7646} Prime
A primitive root; to sate, that is, fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively).
<8799> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Imperfect (See H8811)
Count - 19885
of thee, and [so] hate 8130
{8130} Prime
A primitive root; to hate (personally).
<8804> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Perfect (See H8816)
Count - 12562
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary

See commentary on Proverbs 25:16-17.

Matthew Henry's Commentary

Proverbs 25:17

_ _ Here he mentions another pleasure which we must not take too much of, that of visiting our friends, the former for fear of surfeiting ourselves, this for fear of surfeiting our neighbour. 1. It is a piece of civility to visit our neighbours sometimes, to show our respect to them and concern for them, and to cultivate and improve mutual acquaintance and love, and that we may have both the satisfaction and advantage of their conversation. 2. It is wisdom, as well as good manners, not to be troublesome to our friends in our visiting them, not to visit too often, nor stay too long, nor contrive to come at meal-time, nor make ourselves busy in the affairs of their families; hereby we make ourselves cheap, mean, and burdensome. Thy neighbour, who is thus plagued and haunted with thy visits, will be weary of thee and hate thee, and that will be the destruction of friendship which should have been the improvement of it. Post tres saepe dies piscis vilescit et hospesAfter the third day fish and company become distasteful. Familiarity breeds contempt. Nulli te facias nimis sodalemBe not too intimate with any. He that sponges upon his friend loses him. How much better a friend then is God than any other friend; for we need not withdraw our foot from his house, the throne of his grace (Proverbs 8:34); the oftener we come to him the better and the more welcome.

John Wesley's Explanatory Notes

Proverbs 25:17

Withdraw — Visit him not too frequently.

Geneva Bible Translation Notes

[[no comment]]

Cross-Reference Topical ResearchStrong's Concordance
Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's:
or, Let thy foot be seldom in thy neighbour's,
Genesis 19:2-3 And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night. ... And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
Judges 19:18-21 And he said unto him, We [are] passing from Bethlehemjudah toward the side of mount Ephraim; from thence [am] I: and I went to Bethlehemjudah, but I [am now] going to the house of the LORD; and there [is] no man that receiveth me to house. ... So he brought him into his house, and gave provender unto the asses: and they washed their feet, and did eat and drink.

Heb. full,
Romans 15:24 Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled with your [company].
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