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Genesis 50:25

New American Standard Bible (NASB ©1995) [2]
— Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, “God will surely take care of you, and you shall carry my bones up from here.”
King James Version (KJV 1769) [2]
— And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.
English Revised Version (ERV 1885)
— And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.
American Standard Version (ASV 1901) [2]
— And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.
Webster's Revision of the KJB (WEB 1833)
— And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.
Darby's Translation (DBY 1890)
— And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will certainly visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones hence.
Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR 1902)
— Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying,—God will, surely concern, himself for you, So shall ye carry up my bones, from hence.
Young's Literal Translation (YLT 1898)
— And Joseph causeth the sons of Israel to swear, saying, 'God doth certainly inspect you, and ye have brought up my bones from this [place].'
Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision (DR 1750)
— And he made them swear to him, saying: God will visit you, carry my bones with you out of this place:
Geneva Bible (GNV 1560)
— And Ioseph tooke an oth of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visite you, and ye shall cary my bones hence.
Original King James Bible (AV 1611) [2]
— And Ioseph tooke an othe of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visite you, and ye shal carie vp my bones from hence.
Lamsa Bible (1957)
— And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely remember you, and you shall carry up my bones from here with you.
Brenton Greek Septuagint (LXX, Restored Names)
— And Joseph adjured the sons of Israel, saying, At the visitation with which God shall visit you, then ye shall carry up my bones hence with you.
Full Hebrew Names / Holy Name KJV (2008) [2] [3]
— And Yosef took an oath of the children of Yisrael, saying, Elohim will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

Strong's Numbers & Hebrew NamesHebrew Old TestamentColor-Code/Key Word Studies
And Yôsëf יוֹסֵף 3130
{3130} Prime
Future of H3254; let him add (or perhaps simply active participle adding); Joseph, the name of seven Israelites.
took an oath 7650
{7650} Prime
A primitive root; properly to be complete, but used only as a denominative from H7651; to seven oneself, that is, swear (as if by repeating a declaration seven times).
<8686> Grammar
Stem - Hiphil (See H8818)
Mood - Imperfect (See H8811)
Count - 4046
of x853
(0853) Complement
Apparently contracted from H0226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely).
the children 1121
{1121} Prime
From H1129; a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like H0001, H0251, etc.).
of Yiŝrä´ël יִשׂרָאֵל, 3478
{3478} Prime
From H8280 and H0410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity.
saying, 559
{0559} Prime
A primitive root; to say (used with great latitude).
<8800> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Infinitive (See H8812)
Count - 4888
´Élöhîm אֱלֹהִים 430
{0430} Prime
Plural of H0433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative.
will surely y6485
[6485] Standard
A primitive root; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent); by analogy to oversee, muster, charge, care for, miss, deposit, etc.
<8800> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Infinitive (See H8812)
Count - 4888
visit 6485
{6485} Prime
A primitive root; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent); by analogy to oversee, muster, charge, care for, miss, deposit, etc.
<8799> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Imperfect (See H8811)
Count - 19885
you, and ye shall carry up 5927
{5927} Prime
A primitive root; to ascend, intransitively (be high) or active (mount); used in a great variety of senses, primary and secondary, literally and figuratively.
<8689> Grammar
Stem - Hiphil (See H8818)
Mood - Perfect (See H8816)
Count - 2675
(0853) Complement
Apparently contracted from H0226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely).
my bones 6106
{6106} Prime
From H6105; a bone (as strong); by extension the body; figuratively the substance, that is, (as pronoun) selfsame.
from hence. 2088
{2088} Prime
A primitive word; the masculine demonstrative pronoun, this or that.
(4480) Complement
For H4482; properly a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary

[[no comment]]

Matthew Henry's Commentary

See commentary on Genesis 50:22-26.

John Wesley's Explanatory Notes

Genesis 50:25

And ye shall carry up my bones from hence — Herein he had an eye to the promise, Genesis 15:13-14, and in God's name assures them of the performance of it. In Egypt they buried their great men very honourably, and with abundance of pomp; but Joseph prefers a plain burial in Canaan, and that deferred almost two hundred years, before a magnificent one in Egypt. Thus Joseph by faith in the doctrine of the resurrection, and the promise of Canaan, gave commandment concerning his bones, Hebrews 11:22. He dies in Egypt; but lays his bones at stake, that God will surely visit Israel, and bring them to Canaan.

Geneva Bible Translation Notes

Genesis 50:25

And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, (h) God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

(h) He speaks this by the spirit of prophecy, exhorting his brethren to have full trust in God's promise for their deliverance.

Cross-Reference Topical ResearchStrong's Concordance
took an:

Genesis 50:5 My father made me swear, saying, Lo, I die: in my grave which I have digged for me in the land of Canaan, there shalt thou bury me. Now therefore let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my father, and I will come again.
Genesis 47:29-31 And the time drew nigh that Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If now I have found grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: ... And he said, Swear unto me. And he sware unto him. And Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head.

and ye:

Exodus 13:19 And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him: for he had straitly sworn the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with you.
Joshua 24:32 And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for an hundred pieces of silver: and it became the inheritance of the children of Joseph.
Acts 7:16 And were carried over into Sychem, and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought for a sum of money of the sons of Emmor [the father] of Sychem.
Hebrews 11:22 By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.
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Gn 47:29; 50:5. Ex 13:19. Jsh 24:32. Ac 7:16. He 11:22.

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