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Exodus 18:26

New American Standard Bible (NASB ©1995) [2]
— They judged the people at all times; the difficult dispute they would bring to Moses, but every minor dispute they themselves would judge.
King James Version (KJV 1769) [2]
— And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.
English Revised Version (ERV 1885)
— And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.
American Standard Version (ASV 1901) [2]
— And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.
Webster's Revision of the KJB (WEB 1833)
— And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought to Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.
Darby's Translation (DBY 1890)
— And they judged the people at all times: the hard matters they brought to Moses, but every small matter they judged.
Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR 1902)
— And they shall judge the people, at any time,—the hard matters, shall they bring in unto Moses, but, all the small matters, shall, they themselves, judge.
Young's Literal Translation (YLT 1898)
— and they have judged the people at all times; the hard matter they bring in unto Moses, and every small matter they judge themselves.
Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision (DR 1750)
— And they judged the people at all times: and whatsoever was of greater difficulty they referred to him, and they judged the easier cases only.
Geneva Bible (GNV 1560)
— And they iudged the people at all seasons, but they brought the hard causes vnto Moses: for they iudged all small matters themselues.
Original King James Bible (AV 1611) [2]
— And they iudged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought vnto Moses, but euery small matter they iudged themselues.
Lamsa Bible (1957)
— And they judged the people at all times; the hard cases they brought to Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.
Brenton Greek Septuagint (LXX, Restored Names)
— And they judged the people at all times; and every too burdensome matter they brought to Mosheh{gr.Moses}, but every light matter they judged themselves.
Full Hebrew Names / Holy Name KJV (2008) [2] [3]
— And they judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Mosheh, but every small matter they judged themselves.

Strong's Numbers & Hebrew NamesHebrew Old TestamentColor-Code/Key Word Studies
And they judged 8199
{8199} Prime
A primitive root; to judge, that is, pronounce sentence (for or against); by implication to vindicate or punish; by extension to govern; passively to litigate (literally or figuratively).
<8804> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Perfect (See H8816)
Count - 12562
(0853) Complement
Apparently contracted from H0226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely).
the people 5971
{5971} Prime
From H6004; a people (as a congregated unit); specifically a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively a flock.
at all x3605
(3605) Complement
From H3634; properly the whole; hence all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense).
seasons: 6256
{6256} Prime
From H5703; time, especially (adverbially with preposition) now, when, etc.
the hard 7186
{7186} Prime
From H7185; severe (in various applications).
(0853) Complement
Apparently contracted from H0226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely).
causes 1697
{1697} Prime
From H1696; a word; by implication a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially a cause.
they brought 935
{0935} Prime
A primitive root; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications).
<8686> Grammar
Stem - Hiphil (See H8818)
Mood - Imperfect (See H8811)
Count - 4046
unto x413
(0413) Complement
(Used only in the shortened constructive form (the second form)); a primitive particle, properly denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, that is, near, with or among; often in general, to.
Möšè מֹשֶׁה, 4872
{4872} Prime
From H4871; drawing out (of the water), that is, rescued; Mosheh, the Israelitish lawgiver.
but every x3605
(3605) Complement
From H3634; properly the whole; hence all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense).
small 6996
{6996} Prime
From H6962; abbreviated, that is, diminutive, literally (in quantity, size or number) or figuratively (in age or importance).
matter 1697
{1697} Prime
From H1696; a word; by implication a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially a cause.
[1992] Standard
Masculine plural from H1931; they (only used when emphatic).
they judged 8199
{8199} Prime
A primitive root; to judge, that is, pronounce sentence (for or against); by implication to vindicate or punish; by extension to govern; passively to litigate (literally or figuratively).
<8799> Grammar
Stem - Qal (See H8851)
Mood - Imperfect (See H8811)
Count - 19885
themselves. x1992
(1992) Complement
Masculine plural from H1931; they (only used when emphatic).
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary

See commentary on Exodus 18:13-26.

Matthew Henry's Commentary

See commentary on Exodus 18:13-27.

John Wesley's Explanatory Notes

[[no comment]]

Geneva Bible Translation Notes

[[no comment]]

Cross-Reference Topical ResearchStrong's Concordance
at all:

Exodus 18:14 And when Moses' father in law saw all that he did to the people, he said, What [is] this thing that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou thyself alone, and all the people stand by thee from morning unto even?
Exodus 18:22 And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, [that] every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear [the burden] with thee.

the hard causes:

Exodus 18:15 And Moses said unto his father in law, Because the people come unto me to enquire of God:
Exodus 18:22 And let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, [that] every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear [the burden] with thee.
Deuteronomy 17:8 If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, [being] matters of controversy within thy gates: then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which the LORD thy God shall choose;
1 Kings 3:16-28 Then came there two women, [that were] harlots, unto the king, and stood before him. ... And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the wisdom of God [was] in him, to do judgment.
1 Kings 10:1 And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions.
Job 29:16 I [was] a father to the poor: and the cause [which] I knew not I searched out.
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Ex 18:14, 15, 22. Dt 17:8. 1K 3:16; 10:1. Jb 29:16.

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