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2 Corinthians 4:3

New American Standard Bible (NASB ©1995) [2]
— And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing,
King James Version (KJV 1769) [2]
— But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
English Revised Version (ERV 1885)
— But and if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in them that are perishing:
American Standard Version (ASV 1901) [2]
— And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in them that perish:
Webster's Revision of the KJB (WEB 1833)
— But if our gospel is hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
Darby's Translation (DBY 1890)
— But if also our gospel is veiled, it is veiled in those that are lost;
Rotherham's Emphasized Bible (EBR 1902)
— And, even if our glad-message is veiled, in them who are perishing, it is veiled,
Young's Literal Translation (YLT 1898)
— and if also our good news is vailed, in those perishing it is vailed,
Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision (DR 1750)
— And if our gospel be also hid, it is hid to them that are lost,
Geneva Bible (GNV 1560)
— If our Gospell bee then hid, it is hid to them that are lost.
Original King James Bible (AV 1611) [2]
— But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
Lamsa Bible (1957)
— If our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to those who are lost,
John Etheridge Peshitta-Aramaic NT (1849)
— But if our gospel is hid, to those who perish is it hid:
James Murdock Peshitta-Aramaic NT (1852)
— And if our gospel is vailed, it is vailed to them that perish;

Strong's Numbers & Red-LettersGreek New TestamentColor-Code/Key Word Studies
But 1161
{1161} Prime
A primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.
if y1499
[1499] Standard
εἰ καί
ei kai
{i kahee}
From G1487 and G2532; if also (or even).
(1487) Complement
A primary particle of conditionality; if, whether, that, etc.
(2532) Complement
Apparently a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so, then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words.
our 2257
{2257} Prime
Genitive plural of G1473; of (or from) us.
gospel 2098
{2098} Prime
From the same as G2097; a good message, that is, the gospel.
be 2076
{2076} Prime
Third person singular present indicative of G1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are.
<5748> Grammar
Tense - Present (See G5774)
Voice - No Voice Stated (See G5799)
Mood - Indicative (See G5791)
Count - 1612
hid, 2572
{2572} Prime
Akin to G2813 and G2928; to cover up (literally or figuratively).
<5772> Grammar
Tense - Perfect (See G5778)
Voice - Passive (See G5786)
Mood - Participle (See G5796)
Count - 463
it is 2076
{2076} Prime
Third person singular present indicative of G1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are.
<5748> Grammar
Tense - Present (See G5774)
Voice - No Voice Stated (See G5799)
Mood - Indicative (See G5791)
Count - 1612
hid 2572
{2572} Prime
Akin to G2813 and G2928; to cover up (literally or figuratively).
<5772> Grammar
Tense - Perfect (See G5778)
Voice - Passive (See G5786)
Mood - Participle (See G5796)
Count - 463
to 1722
{1722} Prime
A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), that is, a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 and G1537); 'in', at, (up-) on, by, etc.
them that are lost: 622
{0622} Prime
From G0575 and the base of G3639; to destroy fully (reflexively to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively.
<5730> Grammar
Tense - Present (See G5774)
Voice - Either Middle or Passive (See G5787)
Mood - Participle (See G5796)
Count - 13
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary

2 Corinthians 4:3

_ _ But if — Yea, even if (as I grant is the case).

_ _ hid — rather (in reference to 2 Corinthians 3:13-18), “veiled.” “Hid” (Greek, Colossians 3:3) is said of that withdrawn from view altogether. “Veiled,” of a thing within reach of the eye, but covered over so as not to be seen. So it was in the case of Moses’ face.

_ _ to them — in the case only of them: for in itself the Gospel is quite plain.

_ _ that are lost — rather, “that are perishing” (1 Corinthians 1:18). So the same cloud that was “light” to the people of God, was “darkness” to the Egyptian foes of God (Exodus 14:20).

Matthew Henry's Commentary

See commentary on 2 Corinthians 4:1-7.

John Wesley's Explanatory Notes

2 Corinthians 4:3

But if our gospel also — As well as the law of Moses.

Geneva Bible Translation Notes

2 Corinthians 4:3

(2) But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

(2) An objection: many hear the Gospel, and yet are no more enlightened by it than by the preaching of the Law. He answers, "The fault is in the men themselves, whose eyes Satan plucks out, who rules in this world." And yet nonetheless he and his associates set forth the most clear light of the Gospel to be seen and beheld, seeing that Christ only whom they preach, is he in whom God will be known, and as it were seen.

Cross-Reference Topical ResearchStrong's Concordance

Romans 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
1 Timothy 1:11 According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.

it is:

2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
2 Corinthians 2:15-16 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: ... To the one [we are] the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who [is] sufficient for these things?
2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which [vail] is done away in Christ.
Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, ... And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
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