Please post your comment on Song of Songs 5:13.

WWW Chat Bible Commentary

User-Posted Comments on Song of Songs 5:13

“His lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh” – Song of Songs 5:13b. The “lips” of our Beloved Christ display His smile. A hymn writer wrote the line, “His gracious smile is our reward, we love, we love Thee Lord”. Despite so many attacks of the enemy, so many discouragements, and times when we felt like giving up, our pathway and journey to glory is often cheered by the loving smile of His lips!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/7/2018 5:33:42 AM)
“His lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh” – Song of Songs 5:13b. The words of our Beloved Christ are “spirit and life” (John 6:63). His holy breath, from His heart of love, was formed into words through His lips to be breathed into His loving seekers. The inbreathing of His holy words produces bridal affections, characteristics and beauty to match Him as His counterpart (2 Tim. 3:16; Eph. 5:26).
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/5/2018 7:07:04 AM)
“His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers” – Song of Songs 5:13a. As lovers of Christ, the beauty of His face attracts us. The sweet flowers or towers of perfume seen and realized in His face are manifestations of Himself to us as we sense His presence in the Word and prayer. Even when we gather with two or three other loving seekers in His Name, His sweet and fragrance presence is manifested to us as we seek His face of beauty and glory!
- Frank Pytel, "The Two Become One" (11/2/2018 6:18:38 AM)

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