WWW Chat Bible CommentaryUser-Posted Comments on Song of Songs 3:6The merchant of Song of Songs 3:6 is a travelling trader. Our Christ is a merchant who desires to have daily, even moment by moment transactions with His loving seekers.
- Frank Pytel (4/2/2017 5:56:15 AM) In Song of Songs 1:13, the Beloved Christ was a bag of myrrh, hung about the loving seeker’s neck, which she wore through the night between her breasts of faith and love. Yet in 3:6, the loving seeker was perfumed with myrrh. The One she held as a bag around her neck, progressively penetrates and perfumes her with myrrh. Her union with Him and His fragrant death, is deepened as He inwardly saturates her, then is spread forth through her to all around (2 Cor. 2:15). - Frank Pytel (3/27/2017 7:47:44 AM) The question that the daughters of Jerusalem asked of the loving seeker, “Who is this”, is also referred to our Beloved Christ in his first and second appearance. In Matthew 21:10, as Jesus rode upon a donkey to enter the city days before he would be crucified, the whole city cried out, “Who is this”. In Isaiah 63:1, the Beloved Christ is seen coming in judgment and the cry is again “Who is this”. While those around asked “Who is this”, the Beloved Jesus asked “Who do men say that I am”. His desire is that we would see Him, not with a natural or religious idea, but as He is! A revelation of the Father is the only way to have such a blessing that unveils the person of the Beloved Christ. Beloved Christ, save us from our traditional view of you, and open our eyes to see you as you are. - Frank Pytel (3/22/2017 8:26:15 AM) Expand Comments for Song of Songs 3:6.![]() Expand Cross References for Song of Songs 3:6. |