WWW Chat Bible CommentaryUser-Posted Comments on Romans 3:4Elohm is truth and his word is truth. Rom.3;4.john 1;17,17;17.Elohim can,t lie titus. 1;2. Who does Ruach Qa Desh say are liars? Every man is a liar. That teaches any different doctrines from Elohims word. Is a liar. Prov. 30;1-4.Matt. 10;26.
Who is the father of lies. John 8;44;45? Who are Shatan companion in lying gog of magog. Rev.20;7-9. What are their lies? Easter is the creator son resurrection day. a. Yes, The Holy one's son Emmanuel rised but Elohim word never called it easter.1cor.15;1-4. b. Shatan and Gog of magog teaches this lie. For generation after generation . c. They called it a holiday, just like christmas,thanksgiving. They teach these liars in; a.Roman catholic, Church of christ and all protestant b.Some protestant has tried to rejected easter and christmas.The power of peer pressure and lie-loving wives and daugther. Psa.58;1-6, c.Natural wives and women are the main subjective to carry lies 1cor.2;12-16.She controls what the man and children are inoculation in, 99% of all american household. Most men has no clue of her Power. Prov.2;16-19,5;1-14,eccl.7;26-29. If she can't control the man with coitus and her natural wisdom . You can,t have her in your assenter natural,lie-lover,deaf-adder lifestyle. - NegOs A-Sir (3/14/2013 7:43:09 PM) Expand Comments for Romans 3:4.Expand Cross References for Romans 3:4. |