WWW Chat Bible CommentaryUser-Posted Comments on Romans 1:30It is interesting to note that the book of Romans is addressed in verse 7, "To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people." This indicates that he is addressing adults as well as children, but primarily adults. So when Paul ends the list of despicable traits displayed by "those who suppress the truth" (v. 18), with "disobedient to parents," (v.30) he is addressing a mostly adult audience. Therefore it is not just for children under 18 years of age to obey, in some translations "yield to" and "respect," their parents. It is for everyone at every age to obey, yield to and respect their parents. This is supported in the teaching of Jesus in Mark 7:9-13. Maybe it is even more important for adults to honor their parents, than children. Children are by nature imitators. Food for thought: if you want your children to honor you as a parent, do they have a good example to follow by watching you honor your parents?
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