Please post your comment on Proverbs 13:22.

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User-Posted Comments on Proverbs 13:22

“One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons,” states Solomon. (Proverbs 13:22a) What a valuable inheritance parents leave behind when they help their children to take in knowledge of Jehovah and cultivate a good relationship with him!

Eventual possession of the earth is promised to the righteous; the wicked are to be cleared out of the earth as “a ransom” for the righteous, (Ps 37:10,11,and 29), for as long as the wicked are in control, the righteous cannot have peace. And the possessions of the wicked will go to the righteous, as the proverb states: “The wealth of the sinner is something treasured up for the righteous one.”—Pr 13:22; 21:18.

- Maxie (6/26/2013 5:27:48 PM)
what does this verse mean?

- sara (6/18/2013 9:54:26 PM)

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