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User-Posted Comments on Matthew 17:5

Through what medium does Eloah/Elohim speak to human today?
a. Elohim word has all the answers to all celestial questions.
For those who are earnestly searching for Ishi celestial path of life.Jude 1;3, phil.1,7;17.
1.All you have to do is searched Elohim word with a propensity too accept it and be corrected by it. John 5;39.1tim.3;15-16.
2. Elohim can't lie and has no doctrines of lies. titus 1;2,1
3.No lie is of truth. 1john 2;21. easter, god,jesus,christmas,
thanksgiving.jan.1, is new year.4 seasons, are lies.
If your beliefs and doctrines can,t be validated by Elohim true. Acts 17;11.1pet.4;10-11.
Your believes and your doctrines are a lies.
Stop being gullible and naive with the propensity of a child.
Salvational true is Elohim word, offer to human. john 1;17, 17;17.
Elohim salvation only comes through he son. Acts 4;12.
a,Immanuel 7;14, 8;8, 9;6-9,matt.1;23
b.There is no salvation in Shatan/gog of magog
god,jesus, easter, christmas, thanksgiving.rev.20;7-8.
Roman catholic, church of christ, and all protestant church
were all founded by a human not Elohim son.
Elohim is aware of Shatan/gog of magog addition and changing of his word. Prov. 30;1-4.matt.10;26.
Elohim has conquest the matter beyond man worldly wisdom.Matt.10;26.1cor.1;20.
1.All that has these kinds of propensity will never accept,or learned Eloah word.
a. 1tim.1;7, 1tim.4;1-4,2tim.3;7, heb.5;12, rom.10;1-4.
b. WHy?Elohim identify your mindset as .2thess. 2;8;10,
c.You will never enjoy his light [psa.49;19-20] in your life time or learn it. Isa.8;20.
Your parent is not at fault here ,regardless of what you were taught.
- NegOs A-Sir (2/4/2013 3:54:57 PM)

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