Please post your comment on Galatians 1:8.

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User-Posted Comments on Galatians 1:8

body of Christ...
- be blest (5/13/2019 11:50:48 AM) []
Who is preaching other doctrines that can,t be founded in Elohims word,rightly divided. They are catholic ,church of christ and all protestant churches.
1.Their gog of magog name for the creator was interpolated into the greek bible by caucasians.
2. What he called himself through Ruach O A Desh, are Holy/Reverend,psa.111;9;10,Hosea. 2;16 ,Ishi/Baali
a.The creator never called himself the pagan ,gog of magog name. god or his son's jesus,yesus,or christ.
b.All theses are man,s maded demagoge names.
2.Gal. 1;8, lucidity on the matter of other doctrines ,teaching is out standly clea. To those that are not.
a.Lie-lover,Rev. 22;15
c.Iron sharpen Iron-prov.27;17
e.scorner prov.9;7
Delusionary mindset is the major reason for catholic, church of christ and all protestant church doctrine of demons.1tim.4;1-4.

- NegOs A-Sir (11/27/2012 12:36:57 PM)

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