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Solomon's Temple of Yahweh - Masoretic/English text corresponding to Ezekiel 40:49 Measurement of the Inner court and vestibule/portico/entrance way:
— 1 Kings 6:3 And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits [was] the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; [and] ten cubits [was] the breadth thereof before the house.

Solomon's Temple of Yahweh - Septuagint (Greek/English) text corresponding to Jezekiel 40:49 Measurement of the Inner court and vestibule/portico/entrance way:

3 Kings 6:3 And the porch in front of the temple—twenty cubits was its length according to the breadth of the house in front of the house: and he built the house, and finished it.
Notice even in Solomon's temple (Generally smaller than the millennial temple described by Ezekiel) there appears to be a discrepancy between the Greek (20 x 20) and Hebrew (20 x 10) translations in measurements:

Ezekiel 40:47-49 Millennial Temple of Yahweh Measurement of the Inner court and vestibule Jewish Commentary:And the porch before: before the Temple, in it’s entrance way.

The length thereof before the breadth of the house: The length of the porch was along the width of the Temple [and extended] from the north to the south. All larger [measurements] are called the length, and the lesser [measurements] are called the width. Since in the Temple proper the measurement from the east to the west was greater, that was called the length, and in the porch that the measurement from the north to the south was the larger, therein was called the length from the north to the south, and from the east to the west therein was called the width.

Before the house: [The porch was] in front of the house [of the Temple], on the eastern side [and was] on the outside.

Hebrew Masoretic /English text: Ezekiel 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the width eleven cubits. And by the steps which led up to it there were columns by the doorposts, one on this side and one on that side.
Greek Septuagint /English text (Based off of a more ancient Hebrew translation that is NOT extant. More aged than the Masoretic text): Jezekiel 40:49 And the length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth twelve cubits; and they went up to it by ten steps; and there were pillars to the porch, one on this side and one on that side.

Mr. Wilson apparently some translations are basing their biblical dimensions off Hebrew words (20 x 11) and some off of Greek words (20 x 12). Evidently some translators believe the Greek carries more precedent and some believe the Hebrew more precedent. Messiah will be able to reconcile these matters. However there appears to be no original text extant in full as a basis for either of these translations; the Greek or the Hebrew for the passage in question.

- Mike Gardner (6/30/2019 5:15:59 AM)
I would love to know why some Bible versions translates the porch dimensions as 20 by 11 cubits and other versions translates it 20 by 12 cubits? I thought the translations were from the original text. If that is true, how can there be a discrepancy? Numbers are absolutes. They are not subjective and thus might be interpreted differently.
- Tyrone E Wilson (5/11/2019 11:43:06 AM)

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