Please post your comment on Exodus 33:11.

WWW Chat Bible Commentary

User-Posted Comments on Exodus 33:11

In this verse - 33:11 - the writer is giving you an understanding of the type of relationship Moses had with God.His was a relationship that went beyond the norm - " a man speaketh unto his friend." - That was the relationship God desired to have and so in the new testament in Jn 15:15 Yeshuah speaks of the relationship between God and man.
Now in Ex 33:20 - God tells Moses that he cannot see His face and live but that as He passed by Moses would see His 'back parts'. In the 'back parts' is located the back bone ,
which is a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ.The back bone or the spine contains 33 bones and Christ was 33 years old when He completed the work Abba sent Him to do - the salvation of the soul of man.Therefore the spine or backbone is a symbol of Christ. So we see in Ex 33:20 God was directing Moses to see His Son - also in Jn 14:9 Yeshua tells His desciples that if they've seen Him then they have seen the Father.
- Keys of David (10/19/2011 9:52:49 AM)
Mose could see G'd, really? How?
But Exodus 33,20 says in opposit: it is not possible to see G'd.

- manfredklaus (10/14/2011 3:21:22 PM)

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