WWW Chat Bible CommentaryUser-Posted Comments on Acts 1:18In response to another comment, visceral compassion is okay, as well as bowels...I think most have always understood what bowels meant, the same as we understand what it means when referring to to the "heart". However, the point regarding hanging versus bowels gushing is a misnomer. Judas could very well have both hung and fallen into the field, gushing his bowels, thus the field being named "field of blood". Because when a body is cut down from a hanging, the body falls downward, and if on a sloping or rough landing, it could certainly cause bowels or viscera to erupt.
- Blanch (4/23/2014 4:00:52 AM) Robin) Like to try something a little different … Remember how we resolved the use of the word "bowels" and "matrix" … well there's another, related, word that needs some attention, but it's figurative use makes it very difficult to come up with a way of using it both figuratively and literally … The word is "splagchna" … litterally, that part of the upper guts or viscera where the spleen, liver, heart and lungs are … apparently that part of the body that Judas spilled when he killed himself … however, it's normal or predominate use in the NT is intended to convey the thought of intense visceral emotions, particularly "compassion" … What I'd like to try, which is different, is to create a combination word that captures both the literal viscera, and the figurative emotions… that is, present this as the hyphenated …"visceral-compassions" …in the nine verses where the intended idea is visceral emotions, and then just shorten or truncate it to real …"viscera"… in Acts 1:18, where the viscera or guts of Judas gushed out. I'd played with just using the perfectly good word "visceral" in those verses where we now read it as "compassions," but for some reason this just didn't work very well (my opinion); however when combined as "visceral-compassions" it seems to work very well in all nine of these verses … in fact, it conveys a much stronger and more meaningful feeling to what these verses are saying … take a look at this …. So, it's our Judas that is the problem … perhaps the whole verse needs to be rethought, but I'm currently focused on Romans and dont have the time/resources to tackle this right now …just a passing thought about Judas, hanging doesn't sound like something that would spill out one's lungs, spleen, liver and heart … just break the fools neck, or at worst, snap his head off, sooooo … perhaps the verse in Acts is being misread, and it's really intended to convey the heartfelt remorse, and deep fit of sobbing, lung wrenching dispare of Judas conveyed just before he hung himself ... Just a theory …my creative contemplations, but when you think about it, since he did hang himself, he really did "repent" of what he had done, what Satan drove him to do, so he obviously did have …visceral regrets … so perhaps it really wasn't his guts that spilled out on the ground, but more figuratively, Luke is telling us that Judas "spilled his guts" in compassionate dispare at what he had done …Ummmm Anyway, I'd like to suggest that we adjust "compassion" to "visceral-compassion" in nine of the ten verses where the word "splagchna" is used ... 4698 GK5073 splagchna (1) visceral-compassions N-NPN.21 4698 GK5073 splagchnois (1) unto visceral-compassions N-DPN.23 http://matthewgrantmcdaniel.com/splagchnon/ - robin (4/21/2014 10:49:15 AM) Expand Comments for Acts 1:18.Expand Cross References for Acts 1:18. |